ARRI 16 sr3 advanced
The ARRI 16SR3 ADVANCED camera is a S16 or N16, direct sound S16 or N16, 20 dB, PL-mount, mechanical variable shutter from 45° to 180°, with a speed range of 5 to 75 fps. forward speed.
The ARRI 16SR3HS ADVANCED is a S16 or N16 film camera, for direct sound being -20 dB, PL-mounted, with a variable mechanical shutter from 45° to 180°, with a speed range of 5 to 75 fps. forward.
The ARRI 416 is an S16 film camera, for direct sound being – 20 dB, PL-mounted, with a variable mechanical shutter from 45° to 180°, with a speed range from 5 to 75 fps. forward.
The 416 is adapted to the new era with the IndieAssist HD Video Tap for HD video out, the Elokuvakonepaja V-Lock adapter for powering the camera with V-Lock batteries and the Elokuvakonepaja Side Plate with many 3/8″ and 1/4″ threads for attaching all the new accessories.